Hello everyone,
i would like your opinion on the hardware specs of a multicore pc that my lab wants to buy for analysis of RNASeq data.
The analysis will include conversion from .bcl to fastq. and then to .bed files from human organisms. Our data was produced from Illumina 1500 HiSeq and the size of the files for this run ranges from 100GB to 800GB.
I have searched other topics and articles and my conclusion is for
16 cores with high MhHz,
6TB of HDD.
Linux for software,specifically CentOs.
i would like your opinion on the hardware specs of a multicore pc that my lab wants to buy for analysis of RNASeq data.
The analysis will include conversion from .bcl to fastq. and then to .bed files from human organisms. Our data was produced from Illumina 1500 HiSeq and the size of the files for this run ranges from 100GB to 800GB.
I have searched other topics and articles and my conclusion is for
16 cores with high MhHz,
6TB of HDD.
Linux for software,specifically CentOs.