Hello everyone,
Firstly, thanks for reading this post. I'm performing 2nd pass alignment with STAR and I was wondering how to merge SJ.out.tab files. I'll be performing the first phase alignment on ~21 files and will need to merge 21 SJ.out.tab files. I couldn't find an explanation in the manual on how to merge these files prior to creating a new genome index for the second pass.
I appreciate your time,
Firstly, thanks for reading this post. I'm performing 2nd pass alignment with STAR and I was wondering how to merge SJ.out.tab files. I'll be performing the first phase alignment on ~21 files and will need to merge 21 SJ.out.tab files. I couldn't find an explanation in the manual on how to merge these files prior to creating a new genome index for the second pass.
I appreciate your time,