Hello everyone,
I am using different tools for getting alignments and read count such as,
salmon and STAR.
Both of this tools have reads counted output that I could use directly into DESeq2 for DEG analysis.
My question is, why some pipeline implys the use of featureCouts for counting the reads at the gene level from BAM files if this work have been already done by previous tools used to generate the same BAM?
Maybe I'm missing something ...
Thank you for clarifying
I am using different tools for getting alignments and read count such as,
salmon and STAR.
Both of this tools have reads counted output that I could use directly into DESeq2 for DEG analysis.
My question is, why some pipeline implys the use of featureCouts for counting the reads at the gene level from BAM files if this work have been already done by previous tools used to generate the same BAM?
Maybe I'm missing something ...
Thank you for clarifying