Can anybody tell me how to annotate vcf files for hg19 aligned file? I tried GATK, vcftools and vcfCodingSnps.
GATK - I couldn't find their refGene file in their ftp server
ftp://gatk-ftp:[email protected]
vcftools: I am having a hard time running it - it gives me "tabix" error
vcfCodingSnps: I was not able to compile on my mac - OS X 10.6, 64 bit
It will be great if anybody can give me a complied code for this architecture.
GATK - I couldn't find their refGene file in their ftp server
ftp://gatk-ftp:[email protected]
vcftools: I am having a hard time running it - it gives me "tabix" error
vcfCodingSnps: I was not able to compile on my mac - OS X 10.6, 64 bit
It will be great if anybody can give me a complied code for this architecture.