Hello all,
I am testing Annovar, which is a great piece of software. I have encountered a small glitch, however, and were hoping someone else has had the same trouble (and solved it). When annotating with the -geneanno option, I do not get my data annotated with rs-numbers. Therefore, I am trying to get the following command to work:
In order to do that, I was asked by the program to download the snp131db by issuing the following command:
The download and extraction worked fine, but when running the above command, Annovar reports that it doesnt recognize the format:
I find this rather strange, but perhaps anyone else has also seen this?
Best regards,
I am testing Annovar, which is a great piece of software. I have encountered a small glitch, however, and were hoping someone else has had the same trouble (and solved it). When annotating with the -geneanno option, I do not get my data annotated with rs-numbers. Therefore, I am trying to get the following command to work:
annotate_variation.pl [B]-dbtype snp131[/B] infile.ann humandb/ -buildver hg19
annotate_variation.pl -downdb snp131 humandb/ -build hg19
NOTICE: Reading gene annotation from ../../pipeline/annovar/humandb/hg19_snp131.txt ... Error: invalid record found in ../../pipeline/annovar/humandb/hg19_snp131.txt (chrom field not found): <585 chr1 10433 10433 rs56289060 0+ - - -/C genomic insertion unknown 0 0 near-gene-5 between 1>
Best regards,