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  • CNVer Help

    I had a question regarding CNVer if anyone has some experience. I ran the with correct parameters, however, I get a ton of output on the screen and some of it doesn't looks good.

    Here is an example:

    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 awk '{ if ($6 == 3) print $0 }'  /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/mapping_files/chr22.mmap  | sort -k4n,4 -k3n
    ,3 -k1n,1  | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/cluster/cluster_matepairs --mean=398 --stdev=58 --colID=-1 --colDist=0 --colChr=1 --colLeft
    =2 --colRight=3 --colTemplate=4 --baseLenFactor=1 --mdJoinTolerance=6 --type=3 --concise=1 > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.t3...
    No matepairs to cluster.
    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 grep -h EDGE /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.t[0123] | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver
    -0.8.1/src/cluster/screen_contig_breaks --mean=398 --stdev=58 --tolerance=572 --breaksFile = /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/contig_breaks_fold
    er/ | awk '{ if (($5 >= 2) && ($8 < 10000000)) print $0 }' > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.links...
    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/axt_to_binary /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/self_align
    ments_folder/chr22.axt 49691432 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.edges...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/make_reference_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr2
    2//chr22.edges /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graph...
    Converged after 1 iterations
    num_edges: 0
    num_nodes: 0
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/fill_reference_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr2
    2//chr22.graph 49691432...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/make_donor_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//c
    hr22.graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.links /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.scov /home/dmacmillan/cop
    y_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.masks /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.gc 1> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22/
    /chr22.problem 2> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graphinfo...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 perl /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/flow_solve/ on coverage: 10 chr22.problem 2 0 2
    0 1 0 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/cs2-4.6/...
    Starting cs2 graph builder...
    0 read_arrival= nodecnt=1 totalarccnt=0
    Arc Count 0
    Starting cs2...
    line 1 of input - bad value of a parameter in the problem line
    Done with cs2.
    Done with cs2 graph builder...
    Running perl /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/flow_solve// 2  1 10 0 20 < outfile.txt > nf
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/report_cnvs /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graphinfo /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.problem.out 100 0 2> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw 1> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.used_dgs...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 cat /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/intRemove2  /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/contig_breaks_folder/ > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw.screened...
    Read in 12 forbidden intervals.
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/ 5 1000 chr22.cnvs.raw.screened > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.smoothed...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 cat /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.smoothed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{ if ($4 > 0) print $1, $2, $3, "gain"; else print $1, $2, $3, "loss" }' | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/post_analysis/doc_walker /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.scov /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.gc | awk -v OFS="\t" '{ print $1, $2, $3, $4, $6 }' > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/calls//chr22.cnvs...
    Here are the steps that I took to achieve this:
    1. Untar the CNVer tar.gz source file
    2. cd into the directory
    3. type "./configure" (no quotations) and hit enter
    4. type "make" hit enter
    5. cd .. into folder containing cnver-0.8.1, hg18comp
    6. Created file "bam_files_to_use.txt" by doing
    	i. echo -e "file1.bam\nfile2.bam" > bam_files_to_use.txt
    7. type "export CNVER_FOLDER=/home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1" or wherever your cnver-0.8.1 folder is.
    8. ran the following command:
    ./ --map_list /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/bams_to_use.txt --ref_folder /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp --work_dir /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir  --read_len 150 --mean_insert 398 --stdev_insert 58 --min_mps 2
    I do not receive a workdir/results folder in the end, and most, if not all the files in the chr[1-22]/x/y folders are 0 bytes. Any suggestions would be appreciated

  • #2
    Have you solved your problem?

    Originally posted by dmacmillan View Post
    I had a question regarding CNVer if anyone has some experience. I ran the with correct parameters, however, I get a ton of output on the screen and some of it doesn't looks good.

    Here is an example:

    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 awk '{ if ($6 == 3) print $0 }'  /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/mapping_files/chr22.mmap  | sort -k4n,4 -k3n
    ,3 -k1n,1  | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/cluster/cluster_matepairs --mean=398 --stdev=58 --colID=-1 --colDist=0 --colChr=1 --colLeft
    =2 --colRight=3 --colTemplate=4 --baseLenFactor=1 --mdJoinTolerance=6 --type=3 --concise=1 > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.t3...
    No matepairs to cluster.
    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 grep -h EDGE /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.t[0123] | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver
    -0.8.1/src/cluster/screen_contig_breaks --mean=398 --stdev=58 --tolerance=572 --breaksFile = /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/contig_breaks_fold
    er/ | awk '{ if (($5 >= 2) && ($8 < 10000000)) print $0 }' > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.links...
    Exec at 12:44:30, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/axt_to_binary /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/self_align
    ments_folder/chr22.axt 49691432 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.edges...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/make_reference_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr2
    2//chr22.edges /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graph...
    Converged after 1 iterations
    num_edges: 0
    num_nodes: 0
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/fill_reference_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr2
    2//chr22.graph 49691432...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/make_donor_graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//c
    hr22.graph /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.links /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.scov /home/dmacmillan/cop
    y_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.masks /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.gc 1> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22/
    /chr22.problem 2> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graphinfo...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 perl /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/flow_solve/ on coverage: 10 chr22.problem 2 0 2
    0 1 0 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/cs2-4.6/...
    Starting cs2 graph builder...
    0 read_arrival= nodecnt=1 totalarccnt=0
    Arc Count 0
    Starting cs2...
    line 1 of input - bad value of a parameter in the problem line
    Done with cs2.
    Done with cs2 graph builder...
    Running perl /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/flow_solve// 2  1 10 0 20 < outfile.txt > nf
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/report_cnvs /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.graphinfo /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.problem.out 100 0 2> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw 1> /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.used_dgs...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 cat /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/intRemove2  /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp/contig_breaks_folder/ > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.raw.screened...
    Read in 12 forbidden intervals.
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/ 5 1000 chr22.cnvs.raw.screened > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.smoothed...
    Exec at 12:44:31, Fri Jan 13, 2012 cat /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.cnvs.smoothed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{ if ($4 > 0) print $1, $2, $3, "gain"; else print $1, $2, $3, "loss" }' | /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1/src/post_analysis/doc_walker /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.scov /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/chr22//chr22.gc | awk -v OFS="\t" '{ print $1, $2, $3, $4, $6 }' > /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir/calls//chr22.cnvs...
    Here are the steps that I took to achieve this:
    1. Untar the CNVer tar.gz source file
    2. cd into the directory
    3. type "./configure" (no quotations) and hit enter
    4. type "make" hit enter
    5. cd .. into folder containing cnver-0.8.1, hg18comp
    6. Created file "bam_files_to_use.txt" by doing
    	i. echo -e "file1.bam\nfile2.bam" > bam_files_to_use.txt
    7. type "export CNVER_FOLDER=/home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/cnver-0.8.1" or wherever your cnver-0.8.1 folder is.
    8. ran the following command:
    ./ --map_list /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/bams_to_use.txt --ref_folder /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/hg18comp --work_dir /home/dmacmillan/copy_num_ana/CNVer/workdir  --read_len 150 --mean_insert 398 --stdev_insert 58 --min_mps 2
    I do not receive a workdir/results folder in the end, and most, if not all the files in the chr[1-22]/x/y folders are 0 bytes. Any suggestions would be appreciated


    • #3
      Unfortunately not


      • #4
        You probably need to use an absolute filename inside of bam_files_to_use.txt


        • #5
          can CNVer be used on RNAseq (NGS short mated reads) ?


          • #6
            CNVer was not designed to work with RNA seq data


            • #7
              Yes thank you... it is true that CNV analysis must have WGS or WES. thank you very much.


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