I'm using tophat for alignment of Illumina rna-seq data. The following error emerged during one my previous runs but I've already seen this type of error several times.
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Beginning TopHat run (v1.4.0)
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Preparing output location top_bwa_out/
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Bowtie index files
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for reference FASTA file
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Samtools
Samtools Version: 0.1.17
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Generating SAM header for hs_grch37
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 3052, in <module>
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 2925, in main
params.read_params = check_reads_format(params, reads_list)
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 1318, in check_reads_format
freader=FastxReader(zf.file, params.read_params.color, zf.fname)
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 1073, in __init__
while hlines>0 and self.lastline[0] not in "@>" :
IndexError: string index out of range
To me, it seems that my reference input files are ok.
Did someone else see this kind of error?
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Beginning TopHat run (v1.4.0)
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Preparing output location top_bwa_out/
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Bowtie index files
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for reference FASTA file
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Checking for Samtools
Samtools Version: 0.1.17
[Tue Jan 17 00:17:19 2012] Generating SAM header for hs_grch37
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 3052, in <module>
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 2925, in main
params.read_params = check_reads_format(params, reads_list)
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 1318, in check_reads_format
freader=FastxReader(zf.file, params.read_params.color, zf.fname)
File "/usr/local/bin/tophat-1.4.0.Linux_x86_64/tophat", line 1073, in __init__
while hlines>0 and self.lastline[0] not in "@>" :
IndexError: string index out of range
To me, it seems that my reference input files are ok.
Did someone else see this kind of error?