Dear all,
I would like to map som RNA-seq data using BWA. This can be done in Galaxy for instance. However, I have one problem regarding the reference genome. It is mm9 with one additional custom chromosome (as I'm looking for special occurences of fusion events). The chromosomes I have in FASTA format download from UCSC, however how do I make a multifasta file or even a len file for mapping? I have tried to open in text editors but the apps run out of memory.
I would like to map som RNA-seq data using BWA. This can be done in Galaxy for instance. However, I have one problem regarding the reference genome. It is mm9 with one additional custom chromosome (as I'm looking for special occurences of fusion events). The chromosomes I have in FASTA format download from UCSC, however how do I make a multifasta file or even a len file for mapping? I have tried to open in text editors but the apps run out of memory.