Hi all,
I downloaded the bams from this 1000genomes ftp site:
I only used the illumina data for my application. I found that the illumina data was about 20x which was not good enough for my application. I noticed that there are also bams from 454 and SoLid. Can I use samtools merge to get a combined bam such that I can get better overall coverage???
PS I am not sure if doing this will give me enough coverage even if successful. Does anyone know other places I can download high coverage human fastqs or bams?
I downloaded the bams from this 1000genomes ftp site:
I only used the illumina data for my application. I found that the illumina data was about 20x which was not good enough for my application. I noticed that there are also bams from 454 and SoLid. Can I use samtools merge to get a combined bam such that I can get better overall coverage???
PS I am not sure if doing this will give me enough coverage even if successful. Does anyone know other places I can download high coverage human fastqs or bams?