I used fastq_quality_filter to remove reads that had quality scores below 30 from a fastq file. The encoding of the quality scores, according to fastqc, is "Sanger / Illumina 1.9". The command I used was: fastq_quality_filter -Q 33 -q 30 -p 100 -i in.fastq -o out.fastq. I ran fastqc before and after the filtering. After filtering with fastq_quality_filter, fastqc reports that the quality encoding changed to Illumina < 1.3. Furthermore, the range of quality scores changes from 28-40 to ~4-16. According to fastqc, fastq_quality_filter is converting the original Sanger/lumina 1.9 encoding to illumina <1.3 encoding. How can I be sure fastq_quality_filter is removing the correct reads? I've attached png's of fastqc output before and after fastq_quality_filtering. Thanks a bunch.
example read from fastq file:
@HWI-ST570:48:C0NUKACXX:3:1308:18173:180116 1:N:0:
I used fastq_quality_filter to remove reads that had quality scores below 30 from a fastq file. The encoding of the quality scores, according to fastqc, is "Sanger / Illumina 1.9". The command I used was: fastq_quality_filter -Q 33 -q 30 -p 100 -i in.fastq -o out.fastq. I ran fastqc before and after the filtering. After filtering with fastq_quality_filter, fastqc reports that the quality encoding changed to Illumina < 1.3. Furthermore, the range of quality scores changes from 28-40 to ~4-16. According to fastqc, fastq_quality_filter is converting the original Sanger/lumina 1.9 encoding to illumina <1.3 encoding. How can I be sure fastq_quality_filter is removing the correct reads? I've attached png's of fastqc output before and after fastq_quality_filtering. Thanks a bunch.
example read from fastq file:
@HWI-ST570:48:C0NUKACXX:3:1308:18173:180116 1:N:0: