Hi all,
I am trying to convert solid csfasta + qual files to fastq. I tried using the solid2fastq (version 1.1.4) and seems accept the input just fine (no errors) but it creates no output.
I was wondering what can I do in such case? What might be the problem?
The commans is :
perl ~/Desktop/solid2fastq.pl solid0162_20110314_bcSample1_F3.csfasta solid0162_20110314_bcSample1_F3.qual > out.fastq
Is there any other script I could use to do the same?
I am trying to convert solid csfasta + qual files to fastq. I tried using the solid2fastq (version 1.1.4) and seems accept the input just fine (no errors) but it creates no output.
I was wondering what can I do in such case? What might be the problem?
The commans is :
perl ~/Desktop/solid2fastq.pl solid0162_20110314_bcSample1_F3.csfasta solid0162_20110314_bcSample1_F3.qual > out.fastq
Is there any other script I could use to do the same?