Hi all,
I have a BAM file from paired end tophat output and and I wanted to apply HTseq to count the mapped reads, because it was paired mate and also BAM, I did following steps but still I receive error:
samtools sort accepted_hits.bam accepted_hits.sorted
samtools view accepted_hits.sorted.bam | htseq-count - /hg19/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf > count.txt
and this is the error :
Warning: Read ERR009097.6031922 claims to have an aligned mate which could not be found. (Is the SAM file properly sorted?)
Actually it was the same error I got before sorting so I did sorting but it is still the case.
And according to fastqc analysis for the left and right fastq files I have the same number of sequences.
Thanks for the help
I have a BAM file from paired end tophat output and and I wanted to apply HTseq to count the mapped reads, because it was paired mate and also BAM, I did following steps but still I receive error:
samtools sort accepted_hits.bam accepted_hits.sorted
samtools view accepted_hits.sorted.bam | htseq-count - /hg19/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf > count.txt
and this is the error :
Warning: Read ERR009097.6031922 claims to have an aligned mate which could not be found. (Is the SAM file properly sorted?)
Actually it was the same error I got before sorting so I did sorting but it is still the case.
And according to fastqc analysis for the left and right fastq files I have the same number of sequences.
Thanks for the help