Hi everyone,
I'm trying to locally run stage 0 of Trans-ABySS version_1.3.5, but when I try to run the programme it shows me the following:
input: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/input/input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt
cannot find topdir under project transAbyss_2012_10_02
I already read other similar topics in this forum, but it seems that I got everything right until now, meaning I cannot find the source of the problem. Can you tell me if there's something missing or if I'm doing something wrong.
Here's what I did:
-- ABySS running --
I ran successfully the ABySS as follow:
export k
for k in {45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,89}; do
mkdir k$k
/home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-pe j=12 -C k$k name=PP_F_Brain in='/home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/prinseq/PP_F_Brain_L1_1_file_passed.fastq /home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/prinseq/PP_F_Brain_L1_2_file_passed.fastq ' OVERLAP_OPTIONS='--no-scaffold' SIMPLEGRAPH_OPTIONS='--no-scaffold'
-- Trans-ABySS --
-- 1
Because the $name.in file was not necessary to run ABySS and was not outputted by it, I created it myself as suggested in Trans-ABySS manual and placed it into the directory containing the library's multi-k-mer assemblies. Anyway, this problem appeared with and without this file.
-- 2
The setup file was set as follow
export TRANSABYSS_PATH=/home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5
export PERL5LIB=$TRANSABYSS_PATH/wrappers:$PERL5LIB:/usr/lib64/perl5
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/bin/python:$PYTHONPATH:$TRANSABYSS_PATH
export ABYSSPATH=/home/FC/jgpinho/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lib:/usr/lib":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
And this is the output of sh <TA_DIR>/check-prereq.sh
ABYSS and related....................
abyss-pe: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-pe
abyss-index: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-index
abyss-map: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-map
abyss-filtergraph: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/abyss-filtergraph
abyss-junction: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/abyss-junction
MergeContigs: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/MergeContigs
Alignment and related................
blat: N/A
bowtie: N/A
bwa: N/A
xa2multi: /usr/local/bin/xa2multi.pl
samtools: N/A
pysam: N/A
Trans-ABySS wrappers and related.....
perl: /usr/bin/perl
python: /usr/local/bin/python
trans-abyss: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/wrappers/trans-abyss.sh
mqsub: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/mqsub
qsub: N/A
-- 3
To configure the <TA>/configs/transcriptome.cfg file, just the project part was modified:
copy_bam.py: LIB PATH -g GENOME
blat: TARGET QUERY OUTPUT.psl -repMatch=1024 -minScore=0 -minIdentity=90
cluster_align.py: CONFIG_FILE -a blat -n LIB-TYPE -f CONTIGS -t GENOME -o OUT_DIR -s -b -q 1000 -c CLUSTER -m MEM
align_parser.py: BLAT_DIR blat -n 1 -u -m 90 -d -k TRACK_NAME -o PSL -f CONTIGS -g GENOME
fusion.py: INPUT PATH/fusions -B TOPDIR/LIB/Reads_to_genome/GENOME_BAM -b PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam -G GENOME k -k apollo
fusion.py_filter: PATH/fusions/cluster PATH/fusions -X -F
snv_caller.py: -a ALIGNS -c CONTIGS -g GENOME -o PATH/snv -m k -C PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam -k apollo -O -A -VL
snv_caller.py_filter: -f PATH/snv/cluster -o PATH/snv -X
model_matcher.py: TRACK GENOME -l -d -o OUTDIR -f PATH/merge/LIB-contigs.fa -r -C PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam
gene_coverage.py: COVERAGE R2C TRACK OUTPUT
ta-r2c.py: CONTIGS READSLIST -p LIB -P PROJECT -o PATH/reads_to_contigs -t 8 -x
convert_reads: ta-qseq2fastq.py
num_reads_per_fastq: NA
fem: 2.5G
xa2multi: 8G
fusion.py: 5G
model_matcher.py: 15G
reads_to_contigs.py: 6G
align_parser.py: 5G
cluster_align.py: 5G
gene_coverage.py: 5G
snv_caller.py: 5G
snv_caller.py_filter: 10G
anchor_pipeline.py: 6G
copy_bam.py: 1G
blat: 5G
convert_reads: 3.8G
r2c_index: 4G
r2c_aln: 2G
r2c_sam: 10G
r2c_merge: 4G
hg19: /path/to/your/hg19/fasta_file/here
contact: [email protected]
topdir: /home/outputs/PP_M_Gonad/trans-abyss
reference: none
-- 4
Created the file input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt with
PP_F_Brain 1.3.4 /home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/PP_F_Brain transAbyss_2012_10_02
-- 5
Trans-ABySS was ran locally with the following command
./trans-abyss.sh -n 1 -e [email protected] -i /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/input/input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt -0
Moreover, I didnĀ“t set the anchor since I only want to produce transcripts sequences and it won't be run in clusters.
I really hope you could help
Best regards
I'm trying to locally run stage 0 of Trans-ABySS version_1.3.5, but when I try to run the programme it shows me the following:
input: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/input/input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt
cannot find topdir under project transAbyss_2012_10_02
I already read other similar topics in this forum, but it seems that I got everything right until now, meaning I cannot find the source of the problem. Can you tell me if there's something missing or if I'm doing something wrong.
Here's what I did:
-- ABySS running --
I ran successfully the ABySS as follow:
export k
for k in {45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,89}; do
mkdir k$k
/home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-pe j=12 -C k$k name=PP_F_Brain in='/home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/prinseq/PP_F_Brain_L1_1_file_passed.fastq /home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/prinseq/PP_F_Brain_L1_2_file_passed.fastq ' OVERLAP_OPTIONS='--no-scaffold' SIMPLEGRAPH_OPTIONS='--no-scaffold'
-- Trans-ABySS --
-- 1
Because the $name.in file was not necessary to run ABySS and was not outputted by it, I created it myself as suggested in Trans-ABySS manual and placed it into the directory containing the library's multi-k-mer assemblies. Anyway, this problem appeared with and without this file.
-- 2
The setup file was set as follow
export TRANSABYSS_PATH=/home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5
export PERL5LIB=$TRANSABYSS_PATH/wrappers:$PERL5LIB:/usr/lib64/perl5
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/bin/python:$PYTHONPATH:$TRANSABYSS_PATH
export ABYSSPATH=/home/FC/jgpinho/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lib:/usr/lib":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
And this is the output of sh <TA_DIR>/check-prereq.sh
ABYSS and related....................
abyss-pe: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-pe
abyss-index: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-index
abyss-map: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/abyss-map
abyss-filtergraph: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/abyss-filtergraph
abyss-junction: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/abyss-junction
MergeContigs: /home/programas/abyss/abyss_installation/bin/MergeContigs
Alignment and related................
blat: N/A
bowtie: N/A
bwa: N/A
xa2multi: /usr/local/bin/xa2multi.pl
samtools: N/A
pysam: N/A
Trans-ABySS wrappers and related.....
perl: /usr/bin/perl
python: /usr/local/bin/python
trans-abyss: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/wrappers/trans-abyss.sh
mqsub: /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/bin/mqsub
qsub: N/A
-- 3
To configure the <TA>/configs/transcriptome.cfg file, just the project part was modified:
copy_bam.py: LIB PATH -g GENOME
blat: TARGET QUERY OUTPUT.psl -repMatch=1024 -minScore=0 -minIdentity=90
cluster_align.py: CONFIG_FILE -a blat -n LIB-TYPE -f CONTIGS -t GENOME -o OUT_DIR -s -b -q 1000 -c CLUSTER -m MEM
align_parser.py: BLAT_DIR blat -n 1 -u -m 90 -d -k TRACK_NAME -o PSL -f CONTIGS -g GENOME
fusion.py: INPUT PATH/fusions -B TOPDIR/LIB/Reads_to_genome/GENOME_BAM -b PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam -G GENOME k -k apollo
fusion.py_filter: PATH/fusions/cluster PATH/fusions -X -F
snv_caller.py: -a ALIGNS -c CONTIGS -g GENOME -o PATH/snv -m k -C PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam -k apollo -O -A -VL
snv_caller.py_filter: -f PATH/snv/cluster -o PATH/snv -X
model_matcher.py: TRACK GENOME -l -d -o OUTDIR -f PATH/merge/LIB-contigs.fa -r -C PATH/reads_to_contigs/LIB-contigs.bam
gene_coverage.py: COVERAGE R2C TRACK OUTPUT
ta-r2c.py: CONTIGS READSLIST -p LIB -P PROJECT -o PATH/reads_to_contigs -t 8 -x
convert_reads: ta-qseq2fastq.py
num_reads_per_fastq: NA
fem: 2.5G
xa2multi: 8G
fusion.py: 5G
model_matcher.py: 15G
reads_to_contigs.py: 6G
align_parser.py: 5G
cluster_align.py: 5G
gene_coverage.py: 5G
snv_caller.py: 5G
snv_caller.py_filter: 10G
anchor_pipeline.py: 6G
copy_bam.py: 1G
blat: 5G
convert_reads: 3.8G
r2c_index: 4G
r2c_aln: 2G
r2c_sam: 10G
r2c_merge: 4G
hg19: /path/to/your/hg19/fasta_file/here
contact: [email protected]
topdir: /home/outputs/PP_M_Gonad/trans-abyss
reference: none
-- 4
Created the file input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt with
PP_F_Brain 1.3.4 /home/outputs/PP_F_Brain/PP_F_Brain transAbyss_2012_10_02
-- 5
Trans-ABySS was ran locally with the following command
./trans-abyss.sh -n 1 -e [email protected] -i /home/programas/trans-abyss/trans-ABySS-v1.3.5/input/input_transAbyss_2012_10_02.txt -0
Moreover, I didnĀ“t set the anchor since I only want to produce transcripts sequences and it won't be run in clusters.
I really hope you could help
Best regards