Hi Folks,
I have downloaded the DEXSEQ package from Bioconductor.
When I try to make the annotation file using the dexseq_prepare_annotations.py script, a gff file is generated but is of zero KB in size.
I tried with the following files
And, all I got was a zero KB file.
The command I tried was
The above command works for Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf downloaded from Ensemble and I don't understand why it wouldn't work for the NCBI gtf from the same Ensemble.
Also, the R output from running DEXSEQ using Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gf and one wild type and one knock out sample (no replicates) didn't give me anything. All I see is NA in all the columns. I am using the bam files from Tophat aligned to Refseq annotation.
What am I doing wrong? Any pointers are highly appreciated.
I have downloaded the DEXSEQ package from Bioconductor.
When I try to make the annotation file using the dexseq_prepare_annotations.py script, a gff file is generated but is of zero KB in size.
I tried with the following files
Mouse_UCSC_Refgene.gtf (Refgene from UCSC)
Mouse_UCSC_RefFlat.gtf (Refflat from UCSC)
Mouse_UCSC_Refgene.gtf (Refgene from UCSC)
Mouse_UCSC_RefFlat.gtf (Refflat from UCSC)
The command I tried was
python dexseq_prepare_annotation.py Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.64.gtf Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.64.gff
Also, the R output from running DEXSEQ using Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gf and one wild type and one knock out sample (no replicates) didn't give me anything. All I see is NA in all the columns. I am using the bam files from Tophat aligned to Refseq annotation.
What am I doing wrong? Any pointers are highly appreciated.