Hi mht,
I have little experience of how Bowtie would handle mapping reads onto scaffolded sequences with Ns in them, but does this still happen if you force the reads to have, say, no more than 1 or 2 mismatches? If the mapper counts mapping onto Ns in the referene as a mismatch then the problem you have in the image there should go away.
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Hi Micha,
Thanks for your reply. My pipeline is almost similar to yours, but using BWA as my mapper and a few other different programs. I was wondering if you've ever observed read mapping to regions with ambiguous reads (Ns). My reference genome are actually scaffolds with Ns in between, and some of my reads are mapping to these regions, resulting in what I presume are false SNP and indel calls.
Any idea what I can do to resolve this?
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Hi mht,
we work on plants here too and I tend to use Bowtie for my mapping (= reference assembly). Of all the mappers I have tried it gives me the greatest degree of control. It has this great switch that allows you to reduce cross-mapping of reads between pairs of paralogs (--best --strata). This really helps reduce the number of false positive SNPs later.
I also do a lot of SNP detection and I currently use bcftools (part of samtools) to do this. If I have multiple samples and I want to find SNPs between them I tend to map the quality trimmed reads of each sample separately first, then merge the BAM files with samtools merge, and then do the SNP discovery on that. This gives me a full audit trail of where each read comes from as you can add read group tags during the merge, and this is also handy for visualisation afterwards (we use Tablet for this).
I have written a shell script that iterates over a set of FASTQ files and maps them as described above. I still use my own trimming code but you can substitute that with anything you like (e.g. trimmomatic or similar). It goes like this:
Code:#GBS specific pipeline for mapping single end reads to a reference using Bowtie #Assumptions: #1. the Bowtie reference index has already been generated with bowtie-build and all samples use the same reference #2. all sample reads are packaged in compressed files with a .txt.gz extension and are located in the working directory #params referenceIndex=$1 numMismatches=$2 mapToAllLocations=$3 numProcessors=$4 #don't include an extension for this file's name mergedFileName=$5 baseQualityOffset=$6 #directories undedupedBamFilesDir=undedupedBamFiles mergedDir=merged #check for the correct number of args if [ $# -ne 6 ] then echo "Error in $0 - Invalid Argument Count" echo "Syntax: $0 <referenceIndex> <numMismatches> <mapToAllLocations> <numProcessors> <mergedFileName> <baseQualityOffset>" exit fi #make the directory for the merged files mkdir $mergedDir #make a directory for the undeduped files mkdir $undedupedBamFilesDir #make a file for the merged bam file header headerFile=header.txt rm $headerFile touch $headerFile #extract all the filenames to an array files=`ls -l *.txt.gz | awk '{ print $9 }'` #iterate over these for i in $files do echo "=================processing file $i" #extract filename without extension fileNameNoExt=`echo $i | basename $i .txt.gz` #gunzip the file echo "unzipping file" gunzip -c $i > $fileNameNoExt".fastq" # Trim the ends of the raw reads to a quality of 20 and prefixes the read names at the same time echo "quality trimming reads" java utils.ngs.FastqQualityTrimmer $baseQualityOffset 20 false false true $fileNameNoExt".fastq" # Map the reads with Bowtie echo "mapping reads with Bowtie" if [ "$mapToAllLocations" == "true" ] then #using the 'all' mapping mode -- this maps reads to all of their mappable locations if [ "$baseQualityOffset" == "64" ] then #offset 64 bowtie --phred64-quals --best --strata -v $numMismatches --sam -p $numProcessors -a $referenceIndex $fileNameNoExt".fastq.qualTrimmed" > $fileNameNoExt.sam elif [ "$baseQualityOffset" == "33" ] then #offset 33 bowtie --phred33-quals --best --strata -v $numMismatches --sam -p $numProcessors -a $referenceIndex $fileNameNoExt".fastq.qualTrimmed" > $fileNameNoExt.sam fi else #using the 'unique' mapping mode -- this only maps reads that have only a single mappable location if [ "$baseQualityOffset" == "64" ] then #offset 64 bowtie --phred64-quals --best --strata -v $numMismatches --sam -p $numProcessors -m 1 $referenceIndex $fileNameNoExt".fastq.qualTrimmed" > $fileNameNoExt.sam elif [ "$baseQualityOffset" == "33" ] then #offset 33 bowtie --phred33-quals --best --strata -v $numMismatches --sam -p $numProcessors -m 1 $referenceIndex $fileNameNoExt".fastq.qualTrimmed" > $fileNameNoExt.sam fi fi # Convert to BAM echo "converting SAM to BAM" samtools view -S -b -o $fileNameNoExt.unsorted.bam $fileNameNoExt.sam #sort bam file echo "sorting BAM file with dups" samtools sort $fileNameNoExt.unsorted.bam $fileNameNoExt.duplicatesRetained echo "indexing BAM file with dups " samtools index $fileNameNoExt.duplicatesRetained.bam echo "removing duplicates" samtools rmdup -s $fileNameNoExt.duplicatesRetained.bam $fileNameNoExt.bam echo "indexing deduped BAM file " samtools index $fileNameNoExt.bam #append an RG header to the joint header file #should look like this: # @RG ID:FC069_s5_sequence_Waggon SM:FC069_s5_sequence_Waggon echo -ne "@RG\tID:$fileNameNoExt\tSM:$fileNameNoExt\n" >> $headerFile #delete all redundant files echo "cleaning up redundant files" rm $fileNameNoExt.unsorted.bam rm $fileNameNoExt.sam rm $fileNameNoExt".fastq.qualTrimmed" rm $fileNameNoExt".fastq" #move the undeduped files mv $fileNameNoExt.duplicatesRetained.bam $undedupedBamFilesDir mv $fileNameNoExt.duplicatesRetained.bam.bai $undedupedBamFilesDir done #then merge the remaining individual bam files into a single one, using the header file we have been building up gradually echo "===========merging individual bam files===============" samtools merge -frh $headerFile $mergedFileName.bam *.bam echo "indexing merged file" samtools index $mergedFileName.bam #move these to the merged directory mv $mergedFileName.bam* $mergedDir echo "done"
Code:samtools mpileup -D -u -f <referenceFasta> <BAM file> | bcftools view -v -s <file with sample names> - | tee SNPs.vcf
Hopes this helps.
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Some help needed for plant reference assembly
Hi all,
I am currently looking into methods to do reference assembly of a plant genome, and later call for SNVs based on this assembly.
I see a lot of threads on de novo assemblers but not many on reference-based ones. So far, I notice a lot of discussions on Velvet, MIRA and Soap.. but I'm not sure which is the best tool for eventual variant calling. Any suggestions would be very helpful.
My fastq files are from 3 separate plants of the same species. Should I pool all the reads together and build a consensus assembly and call variants from the consensus?
A newbie at assembly, any feedback would be much appreciated.Tags: None
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