Hi Everyone. I'm having difficulty interpreting CIGAR output from SSAHA2. Could anyone please help me interpret the following CIGAR output?:
cigar::50 ERR023002.2 31 17 - Tb927_11_03_v4 233403 233417 + 15 M 15
Also, I need to filter the reads by CIGAR score, so which one is considered to be the CIGAR score?
Finally, I want to run these on DEGseq, which takes only bed files. Is there any utility out there that converts CIGAR to BED?
Thank you!
cigar::50 ERR023002.2 31 17 - Tb927_11_03_v4 233403 233417 + 15 M 15
Also, I need to filter the reads by CIGAR score, so which one is considered to be the CIGAR score?
Finally, I want to run these on DEGseq, which takes only bed files. Is there any utility out there that converts CIGAR to BED?
Thank you!