Hello all,
I just posted version 2.3.0 of BEDTools (http://code.google.com/p/bedtools/) which includes several new and useful updates.
(1) I added four new tools:
(a) shuffleBed. Randomly permutes the locations of a BED file among a genome. Useful for testing for significant enrichment of say, an experimental observation with a genome feature. It also allows one to define a separate BED file of genomic regions that should be _exluded_ from random placement (e.g. genome gaps).
(b) slopBed. Adds a requested number of base pairs to each end of a BED feature. More clever than an awk on a BED file, as it is constrained by the size of each chromosome.
(c) maskFastaFromBed. Masks a FASTA file based on BED coordinates. Useful making custom genome files for, as an example, targeted capture experiments, etc.
(d) pairToPair. Returns overlaps between two paired-end BED files. This is great for finding structural variants that are private or shared among samples. Specifically, pairToPair will find paired-end alignments / or variants that have the same orientation on both ends and have overlapping alignments on both ends. I've found this to be very useful for classifying structural variation detected by paired-end mapping.
(2) I increased the speed of intersectBed by nearly 50%.
(3) I improved / corrected some of the help messages.
(4) I improved sanity checking for BED entries.
(5) I added two new scripts. The first, samToBed, will convert alignments in SAM format to BED format. It also accepts input from standard input so as to play nicely with the "samtools view" command. The second, gffToBed, converts GFF annotations to BED.
I hope you find these useful.
I just posted version 2.3.0 of BEDTools (http://code.google.com/p/bedtools/) which includes several new and useful updates.
(1) I added four new tools:
(a) shuffleBed. Randomly permutes the locations of a BED file among a genome. Useful for testing for significant enrichment of say, an experimental observation with a genome feature. It also allows one to define a separate BED file of genomic regions that should be _exluded_ from random placement (e.g. genome gaps).
(b) slopBed. Adds a requested number of base pairs to each end of a BED feature. More clever than an awk on a BED file, as it is constrained by the size of each chromosome.
(c) maskFastaFromBed. Masks a FASTA file based on BED coordinates. Useful making custom genome files for, as an example, targeted capture experiments, etc.
(d) pairToPair. Returns overlaps between two paired-end BED files. This is great for finding structural variants that are private or shared among samples. Specifically, pairToPair will find paired-end alignments / or variants that have the same orientation on both ends and have overlapping alignments on both ends. I've found this to be very useful for classifying structural variation detected by paired-end mapping.
(2) I increased the speed of intersectBed by nearly 50%.
(3) I improved / corrected some of the help messages.
(4) I improved sanity checking for BED entries.
(5) I added two new scripts. The first, samToBed, will convert alignments in SAM format to BED format. It also accepts input from standard input so as to play nicely with the "samtools view" command. The second, gffToBed, converts GFF annotations to BED.
I hope you find these useful.