Originally posted by space_monkey
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Here are some comments -- I contact the authors and gave my partial outputs, and the reply is below:
It does look like a headers mismatch then. Your BAM file contains "chr" style chromosomes (e.g. "chr10" and not "10"). I believe your GFF, /directories/exons/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.65.min_1000.const_exons.gff, is from Ensembl which would not contain chr-prefixes. Just look in that gff file and see what the chromosome entries are like. If they don't have chr, the operation will fail. All you need to do is generate a constitutive exons file from a UCSC gff which contains chromosome headers that match your .bam file.
If you're using hg19, you can use this GFF:
Use our exon_utils program to generate constitutive exons from this file and then rerun pe_utils with that, instead of the GRCh37 gff file.
I use ensGene.gff3 and it works. However, I still cannot get the results (not sure why...)
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