I wanted to calculate how many RefSeq genes were covered after QC in a particular Exome Seq project. First, all the bases above a certain coverage cutoff were extracted. Then I map those bases to transcripts of each gene. Now I have the number of bases covered for each gene. For one gene to be said "captured" in exome seq, how many bases should be covered, i.e. f one base of a gene is covered, should we say that gene was captured in exome seq? Overall, is it the right way to count covered genes?
Thanks in advance!
I wanted to calculate how many RefSeq genes were covered after QC in a particular Exome Seq project. First, all the bases above a certain coverage cutoff were extracted. Then I map those bases to transcripts of each gene. Now I have the number of bases covered for each gene. For one gene to be said "captured" in exome seq, how many bases should be covered, i.e. f one base of a gene is covered, should we say that gene was captured in exome seq? Overall, is it the right way to count covered genes?
Thanks in advance!