I was trying to check qualities of my fastq files from RNA-seq using fastx-toolkit, but I kept getting a following error.
RNA-seq was performed in Hiseq2000 (paired-end), and the guy who ran the sequencing gave me these files when I asked the raw sequencing data. I merged all the fastq files in each sample into one file using 'cat' command since I wated to map them as singe-ends.
Has anyone expreinced this?
I was trying to check qualities of my fastq files from RNA-seq using fastx-toolkit, but I kept getting a following error.
$ fastx_quality_stats -Q 33 4.1.fastq fastx_quality_stats error : input file (-) has unknown file format (not FASTA or FASTQ), first character = (10)
Has anyone expreinced this?