I have genemarks.pl, makemat, viewamt, gmhmm in my path.
After running, genemarkS, I get .mod and .mat file for model and matrix of that genome respectively.
I can use these file for genemark and genemark.hmm for further gene prediction.
But if I do not want to use genemarkS, how do I get the .mod & .mat correctly?
I went through read me file and says to use probuild and mkmat
I do not have coding and noncoding file of the genome.
where nz.fna is fasta file of genome
mod is the model output name.
I have par_1.deault in my folder where genome file is present, when I try to run the above command, I get error as:
After running, genemarkS, I get .mod and .mat file for model and matrix of that genome respectively.
I can use these file for genemark and genemark.hmm for further gene prediction.
But if I do not want to use genemarkS, how do I get the .mod & .mat correctly?
I went through read me file and says to use probuild and mkmat
mkmat [-x] <coding file> <noncoding file> <order> <output file>
~/bin/genemark/gmsuite/probuild par -par_1.default -mkmod mod nz.fna
mod is the model output name.
I have par_1.deault in my folder where genome file is present, when I try to run the above command, I get error as:
error in command line