Originally posted by lethalfang
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the fixed code is here:
After binning and merging the chromosomes, I've used sequenza, the R package, with this parameters:
sqz <- "seqz/HCC1143-100_bin200.seqz.gz" dir.out <- "out" sqz.id <- "HCC1143-100" library(sequenza) test <- sequenza.extract(file = sqz, gamma = 60, min.reads = 20, kmin = 200, weighted.mean = FALSE, min.fw.freq = 0, min.reads.baf = 15) CP <- sequenza.fit(sequenza.extract = test, chromosome.list = 1:23, XY = c(X = "X", Y = "Y"), ratio.priority = FALSE, female = TRUE, mc.cores=4) sequenza.results(sequenza.extract = test, cp.table = CP, ratio.priority = FALSE, XY = c(X = "X", Y = "Y"), out.dir = file.path(dir.out, sqz.id), sample.id = sqz.id, female = TRUE)
I also analyzed the mixture and it worked as well. As far as cellularity bigger than 30% we can detect ploidy correctly.