Hey all,
I'm developing a pipeline for NGS data analysis. I'm pretty much ok with the steps up to variant calling (I'm using GATK for that) and then I use the already built VCF file to convert it to an ANNOVAR compatible file for annotation. My problem is that, how can I incorporate ANNOVAR annotated files (there are several files I have got using Gene based/Filter based and Region based annotation) along with the VCF file in analysis. Can I add ANNOVAR annotated files as separate tracks along with VCF in visualisation programs like IGV?
I'm developing a pipeline for NGS data analysis. I'm pretty much ok with the steps up to variant calling (I'm using GATK for that) and then I use the already built VCF file to convert it to an ANNOVAR compatible file for annotation. My problem is that, how can I incorporate ANNOVAR annotated files (there are several files I have got using Gene based/Filter based and Region based annotation) along with the VCF file in analysis. Can I add ANNOVAR annotated files as separate tracks along with VCF in visualisation programs like IGV?