I was trying to run pindel with multithreading turned on by the following command:
pindel -f Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -i ConfigHF.txt -T 4 -c 1 -o HF_chr_1 > HFchr1.log.
However when I do "top" while the job is running, it only shows single thread. And I am using the current version 0.2.4.
Is there something needs to be done differently to enable threading during installation?
pindel -f Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -i ConfigHF.txt -T 4 -c 1 -o HF_chr_1 > HFchr1.log.
However when I do "top" while the job is running, it only shows single thread. And I am using the current version 0.2.4.
Is there something needs to be done differently to enable threading during installation?