I am trying to use STAR instead of Tophat, but I am bit confused. I already have the reference file and GTF file. So should I skip the "generate genome" and "generate genome with annotation" steps (4 and 5 in manual)?
If I directly use the following, should I keep my reference file under "/path/to/GenomeDir" ?
I have paired end reads, reference file and GTF file. Please help me which command I need to use.
If I directly use the following, should I keep my reference file under "/path/to/GenomeDir" ?
HTML Code:
STAR --genomeDir /path/to/GenomeDir --readFilesIn /path/ to/read1 [/path/to/read2] --runThreadN <n> --<inputParameterName> <input parameter value(s)>
I have paired end reads, reference file and GTF file. Please help me which command I need to use.