I want to get the sequences of the probes I have used for a targeted bisulfite sequencing approach. I have imported the targets in bed file format and then used getSeq():
seq.regions <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, import.targets, as.character=FALSE)
I want to write this to a FASTA file, but I get an error because there are no sequence names. How do I add sequence names?
> write2FASTA(seq.regions, file="ProbeSeq_regions.fa")
Error in normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript(i, x) :
#attempt to extract by name when elements have no names
Many thanks.
seq.regions <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, import.targets, as.character=FALSE)
I want to write this to a FASTA file, but I get an error because there are no sequence names. How do I add sequence names?
> write2FASTA(seq.regions, file="ProbeSeq_regions.fa")
Error in normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript(i, x) :
#attempt to extract by name when elements have no names
Many thanks.