Hi, I am switching from 454 sequencing to Illumina. Now, I am going to upload my Illumina amplicon seqs to NCBI SRA.
What format should I use? For 454, I normally upload raw SFF file. Also, I split my total SFF file into each sample and link each sample to its ID on NCBI.
However, for illumina, I have a total file in FASTQ format. If I slit it into individual file, it will give me individual FASTA file (after de-multiplexier).
Should I upload individual FASTA file? Or total FASTQ file?
What format do you normally use for Illumina sequencing?
What format should I use? For 454, I normally upload raw SFF file. Also, I split my total SFF file into each sample and link each sample to its ID on NCBI.
However, for illumina, I have a total file in FASTQ format. If I slit it into individual file, it will give me individual FASTA file (after de-multiplexier).
Should I upload individual FASTA file? Or total FASTQ file?
What format do you normally use for Illumina sequencing?