Hello, Im new to the site and to be honest, to bioinformatics.
I will sum it up, im having problems finding the correct file, although I passed the evening checking the forum, github, and other commonly used sources.
I ended up dling from UCSC a table with exon, but Gene_id and transcript_id isnt giving me the gene names to make a merge with counts, and as far as I have been checking, noone had this issue.
The parametres I used at UCSC were:
Clade: Mammal
Genome: Human
Assambly: GRCH38/hg38
track: UCSC Alt Events
region: whole genome
output: GTF
If you could help me I would be grateful, Im not seeing the problem on my petition.
Thanks in advance.
I will sum it up, im having problems finding the correct file, although I passed the evening checking the forum, github, and other commonly used sources.
I ended up dling from UCSC a table with exon, but Gene_id and transcript_id isnt giving me the gene names to make a merge with counts, and as far as I have been checking, noone had this issue.
chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon X1048429 X1048578 X0.000000 X. . 1 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 1048529 1048866 0 + . 2 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 44040072 44040273 0 + . 3 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 155187539 155191999 0 - . 4 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 155189230 155190079 0 - . 5 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 175097494 175117015 0 + . 6 chr1 hg38_knownAlt exon 197102648 197143690 0 - . gene_id.altPromoter..transcript_id.altPromoter. 1 gene_id bleedingExon; transcript_id bleedingExon; 2 gene_id bleedingExon; transcript_id bleedingExon_dup1; 3 gene_id strangeSplice; transcript_id strangeSplice; 4 gene_id cassetteExon; transcript_id cassetteExon; 5 gene_id strangeSplice; transcript_id strangeSplice_dup1; 6 gene_id strangeSplice; transcript_id strangeSplice_dup2;
Clade: Mammal
Genome: Human
Assambly: GRCH38/hg38
track: UCSC Alt Events
region: whole genome
output: GTF
If you could help me I would be grateful, Im not seeing the problem on my petition.
Thanks in advance.