I want to write my own simple script to test whether I can QC a child's SNP data by checking his/her parents' SNP data. Obviously my expectation is to get an output of ~50% from mother, and ~50% father. To be able to test this script, I am looking for sample trio SNP data, preferably from Illumina Infinium GSA array in the following format:
SNP Name Sample ID GC Score Allele1 - Forward Allele2 - Forward Chr Position B Allele Freq Log R Ratio GSA-rs10048794 sample1 0.9301 C C 2 14825598 0.9891 0.077 GSA-rs1004889 sample1 0.9394 G G 12 83516749 1 0.0237
Lastly, do you guys know of a script that already would take 3 SNP data input and tell the relationship among the 3, such as trio?
Note: I am someone with weak bioinformatics background.
Thanks a lot!