Hello all,
I want to write my own simple script to test whether I can QC a child's SNP data by checking his/her parents' SNP data. Obviously my expectation is to get an output of ~50% from mother, and ~50% father. To be able to test this script, I am looking for sample trio SNP data, preferably from Illumina Infinium GSA array in the following format:
Do you guys have any idea where I can find such data? It does not have to be GSA array, however it would be great if all 3 person's SNP data format are matching, as it is tough for my level to dive into all different SNP data formats and normalize them to each other.
Lastly, do you guys know of a script that already would take 3 SNP data input and tell the relationship among the 3, such as trio?
Note: I am someone with weak bioinformatics background.
Thanks a lot!
I want to write my own simple script to test whether I can QC a child's SNP data by checking his/her parents' SNP data. Obviously my expectation is to get an output of ~50% from mother, and ~50% father. To be able to test this script, I am looking for sample trio SNP data, preferably from Illumina Infinium GSA array in the following format:
SNP Name Sample ID GC Score Allele1 - Forward Allele2 - Forward Chr Position B Allele Freq Log R Ratio GSA-rs10048794 sample1 0.9301 C C 2 14825598 0.9891 0.077 GSA-rs1004889 sample1 0.9394 G G 12 83516749 1 0.0237
Lastly, do you guys know of a script that already would take 3 SNP data input and tell the relationship among the 3, such as trio?
Note: I am someone with weak bioinformatics background.
Thanks a lot!