Analyzing the reads Newbler marked as singletons I found some duplicate reads. I'm wondering now if duplicate reads are marked as singleton/repeat/outlier in the ReadStatus file? Or in other words (please correct me if I'm wrong):
If Newbler finds a duplicate, it just uses one of those reads (as long as one doesn't use -ud option), but how are the other read(s) marked?
As I want to construct an unigene set I simply wanted to take all the reads marked as singletons. Using the TrimStatus-file I constructed a file with the trimmed singleton sequences. After removing the duplicate reads is there anything else I have to take care of before taking the singletons as singletons?
Analyzing the reads Newbler marked as singletons I found some duplicate reads. I'm wondering now if duplicate reads are marked as singleton/repeat/outlier in the ReadStatus file? Or in other words (please correct me if I'm wrong):
If Newbler finds a duplicate, it just uses one of those reads (as long as one doesn't use -ud option), but how are the other read(s) marked?
As I want to construct an unigene set I simply wanted to take all the reads marked as singletons. Using the TrimStatus-file I constructed a file with the trimmed singleton sequences. After removing the duplicate reads is there anything else I have to take care of before taking the singletons as singletons?