Hello, I
I tried to use makeBigWig.pl
Acutally, bedGraphToBigWig has installed.
Thanks for any help!
administrator@ACB-HuangLab-Ubuntu:~/homer_01/bin$ perl makeBigWig.pl PU.1-ChIP-Seq/ mm9 -webDir /var/www/bigWigs/ -url http://ChuckNorrisU.edu/bigWigs
!!! Could not detect bedGraphToBigWig program in the executable path !!!
Download it from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
administrator@ACB-HuangLab-Ubuntu:~/homer_01/bin$ ./bedGraphToBigWig
bedGraphToBigWig v 4 - Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format.
bedGraphToBigWig in.bedGraph chrom.sizes out.bw
I tried to use makeBigWig.pl
Acutally, bedGraphToBigWig has installed.
Thanks for any help!
administrator@ACB-HuangLab-Ubuntu:~/homer_01/bin$ perl makeBigWig.pl PU.1-ChIP-Seq/ mm9 -webDir /var/www/bigWigs/ -url http://ChuckNorrisU.edu/bigWigs
!!! Could not detect bedGraphToBigWig program in the executable path !!!
Download it from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
administrator@ACB-HuangLab-Ubuntu:~/homer_01/bin$ ./bedGraphToBigWig
bedGraphToBigWig v 4 - Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format.
bedGraphToBigWig in.bedGraph chrom.sizes out.bw