I'm fairly new to 454 sequencing and genome assembly, and I currently have six bacterial genomes that were sequenced whole shotgun sequencing and pair-end sequenced. They were done together with the barcodes (MIDs), I have assembled the scaffolds/sequences using Newbler/gsAssembler and each one still has 200+ contigs, I was told that one way to help fill in the gaps is [I]in silico[I] using different assembler software. I have been trying to use Mosaik to assemble the genomes, however I cannot figure out how to filter for the MIDs. So, I have two questions: 1) Is there assembler software that is "better" then the Roche Newbler/gsAssembler software, if so where can I obtain the software? 2) How do you parse out the barcode sequence for MIDs when using software other then the Roche Newbler/gsAssembler like Mosaik so that you can assemble using that software?
Any help that you could provide would be very much appreciated, as I mentioned I'm fairly new to the genome sequencing world.
Any help that you could provide would be very much appreciated, as I mentioned I'm fairly new to the genome sequencing world.