What happens when the website doesn't get Indexed in Google?

Google won't index your site? You're not alone. There are many potential issues that can prevent Google from indexing web pages, and this article covers 14 of them.

Whether you want to know what to do if your site isn't mobile-friendly or you're having complex indexing issues, we've got the information you need.

Learn how to fix these common problems so Google can re-index your pages.

1. You don't have a domain name
2. Your website is not mobile-friendly
3. You use coding language in a way too complicated for Google
4. Your website loads slowly
5. Your website has minimal well-written content
6. Your website is not user-friendly and attractive to visitors
7. You have a redirect loop
8. You are using plugins that prevent Googlebot from crawling your site
9. Your website uses JavaScript to display content
ten. You have not added all domain properties to Google Search Console
11. Your Meta tags are set to Noindex, Nofollow
12. You don't use a sitemap
13. You've been penalized by Google in the past and still haven't cleaned up your behavior
14. Your SEO technique sucks

Identifying site indexing issues is challenging, but worth it

Content, technical SEO, and linking are all important to keep your website performance on track. But if your site has indexing issues, other SEO tools will only get you so far.

Be sure to check all the boxes and make sure your site is actually working in the correct way.

And don't forget to optimize every page of your site for relevant keywords! Making sure your technical SEO is perfect is well worth it, because the better Google can crawl, index, and rank your site, the better your results will be.

Google (and your website traffic) will thank you. About Connect Group of Companies as Part of the Emirati Guard

Connect Services Middle East was established by Connect Group of companies offering Business setup in Dubai.