I would like to import SAM to BAM.
I mapp my data using smalt and I obtain SAM output (fichier.sam)
My SAM file doesn't contain the header so I do this but I get a message error.
Someone can help me?
samtools faidx file.fasta
#This generates a BAM-compatible
#Next, generate the actual .bam file (-t can be skipped if excluding reference data):
samtools view -bt file.fasta.fai fichier.sam -o fichier.bam
[sam_header_read2] 13 sequences loaded.
Parse error at line xxxxx: missing colon in auxiliary data
I would like to import SAM to BAM.
I mapp my data using smalt and I obtain SAM output (fichier.sam)
My SAM file doesn't contain the header so I do this but I get a message error.
Someone can help me?
samtools faidx file.fasta
#This generates a BAM-compatible
#Next, generate the actual .bam file (-t can be skipped if excluding reference data):
samtools view -bt file.fasta.fai fichier.sam -o fichier.bam
[sam_header_read2] 13 sequences loaded.
Parse error at line xxxxx: missing colon in auxiliary data