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New here? Stop in and introduce yourself. Where you are, what you work on, etc.
Topics: 2,271 Posts: 4,391
2,271 4,391
Sequencing Resources
SEQanswers sponsors/vendors can post commercial content here with approval from admin. Please support our sponsors!
Topics: 347 Posts: 815
347 815
News about the latest advances and discoveries in sequencing and related technologies.
Topics: 260 Posts: 262
260 262
Core Facilities
Dealing with customer samples, data, and the challenges that come with both?
Topics: 127 Posts: 577
127 577
Any topic/question that does not fit into the subcategories below. If you're unsure of where to put something, ask in here!
Topics: 2,610 Posts: 7,810
2,610 7,810
Webinar Series
Upcoming and on-demand webinars by SEQanswers and its partners.
Topics: 37 Posts: 53
37 53
Literature Watch
Discussion of any scientific study related to high content or next generation genomics. Whole genome association, metagenomics, digital gene expression, etc.
Topics: 41,653 Posts: 42,332
41,653 42,332
Sequencing Technologies/Companies
Complete Genomics
DNA single-strand circularization followed by rolling circle amplification (RCA) to form DNA nanoballs for DNBSEQ.
Topics: 51 Posts: 160
51 160
Element Biosciences
Avidity sequencing - multivalent nucleotide ligands on dye-labeled cores to form polymerase-polymer nucleotide complexes bound to clonal copies of DNA targets.
Topics: 2 Posts: 5
2 5
Illumina (Solexa)
Bridged amplification & clustering followed by sequencing by synthesis.
Topics: 3,056 Posts: 16,722
3,056 16,722
Ion Torrent
Integrated electronic detection of protons released upon base incorporation. (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Topics: 392 Posts: 2,174
392 2,174
Oxford Nanopore
Single-molecule sequencing via a protein nanopore.
Topics: 117 Posts: 596
117 596
Pacific Biosciences
Single-molecule real-time observation of DNA polymerase using zero-mode waveguide (ZMW) optical confinement nanostructures or sequencing by binding (SBB)
Topics: 385 Posts: 2,176
385 2,176
Singular Genomics
Optical ensemble sequencing by synthesis via fluorescently labeled reversible terminated nucleotides.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Ultima Genomics
Open flow cell design on a circular wafer and mostly natural nucleotides that allow optical end-point detection without reversible terminators.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Sanger/Dye Terminator
Automated dye terminator ("Sanger") chemistries
Topics: 76 Posts: 278
76 278
Service Providers
Discussions about next gen sequencing service providers, reviews & experiences, etc. No overtly commercial content permitted without prior approval.
Topics: 79 Posts: 480
79 480
Archived Forums
A place for discussion of older forums and sequencing technologies.
Topics: 1,361 Posts: 7,278
Last Post: Rapid Libraries
1,361 7,278
by pmiguel
UK - Cambridge (37/67)
The Pipeline (81/587)
SOLiD (462/2,440)
454 Pyrosequencing (743/3,966)
Polonator (6/65)
Discussion of next-gen sequencing related bioinformatics: resources, algorithms, open source efforts, etc
Topics: 22,102 Posts: 103,067
22,102 103,067
Events / Conferences
Relevant events or scientific conferences that may be of interest to the community. (Mgmt reserves right to limit commercial content without approval.)
Topics: 777 Posts: 1,289
777 1,289
Jobs Forums
Industry Jobs!
Job listings at companies that sponsor! Interested in posting a job? Contact admin@ for access.
Topics: 222 Posts: 253
222 253
Academic/Non-Profit Jobs
Post and look for academic, non-profit, or other non-industrial jobs here.
Topics: 1,603 Posts: 1,819
1,603 1,819
Applications Forums
Sample Prep / Library Generation
Techniques and protocol discussions on sample preparation, library generation, methods and ideas
Topics: 2,198 Posts: 9,892
2,198 9,892
Single Cell Sequencing
Techniques, discussions, and applications of single cell sequencing.
Topics: 6 Posts: 10
6 10
Genomic Resequencing
Variant discovery in previously sequenced genomes/regions
Topics: 278 Posts: 991
278 991
De novo discovery
Wandering without a reference? Post here
Topics: 341 Posts: 1,700
341 1,700
Ever wonder what's growing in that hot spring or glacier?
Topics: 273 Posts: 852
273 852
Any non-primary sequence heritable modification of genetic material. ChIP-SEQ, DNA methylation (Bisulfite-SEQ), chromatin modifications (methylation, acetylation, etc), non coding RNA.
Topics: 357 Posts: 1,578
357 1,578
RNA Sequencing
Application of sequencing to RNA analysis (RNA-Seq, whole transcriptome, SAGE, expression analysis, novel organism mining, splice variants)
Topics: 2,870 Posts: 11,421
2,870 11,421
Clinical Sequencing
Discuss issues unique to clinical sequencing.
Topics: 42 Posts: 107
42 107
Personalized Genomics
Personalized Genomics
Efforts to understand one's own genome. Companies such as 23andme, Navigenics, Knome, DNADirect, and private efforts like the Personal Genome Project. Ethics, privacy, security, all of it goes here.
Topics: 57 Posts: 290
57 290
by bione
Site News
Site Announcements
Announcements regarding SEQanswers
Topics: 52 Posts: 201
52 201
Site Feedback/Suggestions
Please post all feedback or suggestions about the site in this forum.
Topics: 48 Posts: 657
48 657



Recent Articles


  • seqadmin
    Addressing Off-Target Effects in CRISPR Technologies
    by seqadmin

    The first FDA-approved CRISPR-based therapy marked the transition of therapeutic gene editing from a dream to reality1. CRISPR technologies have streamlined gene editing, and CRISPR screens have become an important approach for identifying genes involved in disease processes2. This technique introduces targeted mutations across numerous genes, enabling large-scale identification of gene functions, interactions, and pathways3. Identifying the full range...
    08-27-2024, 04:44 AM
  • seqadmin
    Selecting and Optimizing mRNA Library Preparations
    by seqadmin

    Sequencing mRNA provides a snapshot of cellular activity, allowing researchers to study the dynamics of cellular processes, compare gene expression across different tissue types, and gain insights into the mechanisms of complex diseases. “mRNA’s central role in the dogma of molecular biology makes it a logical and relevant focus for transcriptomic studies,” stated Sebastian Aguilar Pierlé, Ph.D., Application Development Lead at Inorevia. “One of the major hurdles for...
    08-07-2024, 12:11 PM
  • seqadmin
    Exploring the Dynamics of the Tumor Microenvironment
    by seqadmin

    The complexity of cancer is clearly demonstrated in the diverse ecosystem of the tumor microenvironment (TME). The TME is made up of numerous cell types and its development begins with the changes that happen during oncogenesis. “Genomic mutations, copy number changes, epigenetic alterations, and alternative gene expression occur to varying degrees within the affected tumor cells,” explained Andrea O’Hara, Ph.D., Strategic Technical Specialist at Azenta. “As...
    07-08-2024, 03:19 PM





Topics Statistics Last Post
Started by seqadmin, 08-27-2024, 04:40 AM
0 responses
Last Post seqadmin  
Started by seqadmin, 08-22-2024, 05:00 AM
0 responses
Last Post seqadmin  
Started by seqadmin, 08-21-2024, 10:49 AM
0 responses
Last Post seqadmin  