I am calling SNP with mpileup and bcftools. A problem of the genotype in the output file of bcftools is encountered. Following is one example line in vcf format.
I have omitted the other individuals. I found that although there are three genotype, as indicated by column 5, the genotype in the 10+ columns only has 0 or 1. As vcf version 4.1 described, there should be genotype 2 in the GT field. I have checked all these snp sites across all 108 individuals.
Is this a bug of bcftools?
scaffold30370 21103 . A G,T 999 . DP=2200;VDB=0.0001;AF1=1;AC1=216;DP4=0,0,0,2190;MQ=37;FQ=-45.5 GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ 1/1:120,57,0,120,57,120:19:0:93 1/1:117,69,0,117,69,117:23:0:99 1/1:128,78,0,128,78,128:26:0:99 1/1:109,36,0,109,36,109:12:0:72 1/1:118,63,0,118,63,118:21:0:99 1/1:131,181,0,131,181,131:60:0:99 ...
Is this a bug of bcftools?