We are looking for somatic mutations in tumor by exon sequencing with paired normal samples. Our original plan is to sequence 20 tumor samples and filter out polymorphisms/mutations in dbSNP129. Then among the remaining polymorphisms/mutations that are non-synonymous, we are going to choose those observed in at least 3 out of 20 samples to validate by PCR, as well as to see if they are somatic or germline by PCR the paired normal. But since the dbSNP has somatic mutation, what is the chance of mutations related to cancer progression (something we are really looking for) be filtered if we filter out dbSNP mutation? Any thought or suggested are appreciated ~~
The alternative is to sequence the normal paired sample exactly the same way as the tumor, but it is probably much more expensive...
The alternative is to sequence the normal paired sample exactly the same way as the tumor, but it is probably much more expensive...