I am having issues installing the STAR RNAseq aligner.
I downloaded the reference genome from the website but an not sure how to generate the genome from the manual.
when I untar the hg19 folder, there exists a file titled "Genome" but has no extension, and I tried to "head" the file to check if it is the genome.fa (which I hope it is) and I'm not able to view the contents.
here are my parameters, and here is the error I get when trying to make the reference genome.
[acolombo@hpc-login2 hg19]$ /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/software/STAR_2.3.0e/STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/hg19 --genomeFastaFiles /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/hg19/Genome --runThreadN 16 --sjdbFileChrStartEnd /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/Junctions_Annotations --sjdbOverhang 0
Jan 06 21:41:42 ..... Started STAR run
Jan 06 21:41:42 ... Starting to generate Genome files
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std:ut_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check
I am having issues installing the STAR RNAseq aligner.
I downloaded the reference genome from the website but an not sure how to generate the genome from the manual.
when I untar the hg19 folder, there exists a file titled "Genome" but has no extension, and I tried to "head" the file to check if it is the genome.fa (which I hope it is) and I'm not able to view the contents.
here are my parameters, and here is the error I get when trying to make the reference genome.
[acolombo@hpc-login2 hg19]$ /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/software/STAR_2.3.0e/STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/hg19 --genomeFastaFiles /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/hg19/Genome --runThreadN 16 --sjdbFileChrStartEnd /auto/rcf-proj/sa1/data/Junctions_Annotations --sjdbOverhang 0
Jan 06 21:41:42 ..... Started STAR run
Jan 06 21:41:42 ... Starting to generate Genome files
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std:ut_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check