Hi all,
I'm using Bowtie in Trinity to align PE RNASeq data to a reference transcriptome that was published on my study species. For each of my 24 individuals, I get alignment percentages around 50%. It may just be my naivety showing, but I expected more reads to be aligned to the reference transcriptome (albeit one assembled from other data). Does the 50% alignment rate sound reasonable or is there something else going on?
Also, following rRNA filtering and adapter/quality trimming, the FastQC report looks great, so I shouldn't be having a quality issue. Thanks for your advice!
Trinity command:
I'm using Bowtie in Trinity to align PE RNASeq data to a reference transcriptome that was published on my study species. For each of my 24 individuals, I get alignment percentages around 50%. It may just be my naivety showing, but I expected more reads to be aligned to the reference transcriptome (albeit one assembled from other data). Does the 50% alignment rate sound reasonable or is there something else going on?
Also, following rRNA filtering and adapter/quality trimming, the FastQC report looks great, so I shouldn't be having a quality issue. Thanks for your advice!
Trinity command:
./align_and_estimate_abundance.pl --transcripts ./reference_transcriptome.fa --seqType fq --left ./R1_file.fasta --right ./R2_file.fasta --est_method RSEM --aln_method bowtie --output_prefix aligned_file --output_dir ./output_dir --max_ins_size 800 --trinity_mode