Hi all,
I have a question regarding the base qualities for Illumina Sequencing that I am trying to wrap my head around. I have qseq files and according to the qseq read me file it says "quality: the calibrated quality string (encoded in ASCII as 64+score)."
I've been doing some research and Wikipedia states that Illumina has its own way of encoding base qualities, but as of Illumina 1.3+ (assuming they mean the pipeline version) Illumina has switched from using Solexa/Illumina qualities to Phred qualities. And as of Illumina1.8+, the base qualities are the same as Sanger now which is Phred+33.
I was told my qseq files were generated through the Illumina1.8+, but the base qualities are ASCII as 64+score which to me makes no sense. Since Illumina should be Phred+33 and not Phred+64. Additional, it is ambiguous because it doesn't say whether they are phred or Solexa/Illumina base qualities since both are encoded in ASCII.
Can anyone shed a light on the discrepancy?
I have a question regarding the base qualities for Illumina Sequencing that I am trying to wrap my head around. I have qseq files and according to the qseq read me file it says "quality: the calibrated quality string (encoded in ASCII as 64+score)."
I've been doing some research and Wikipedia states that Illumina has its own way of encoding base qualities, but as of Illumina 1.3+ (assuming they mean the pipeline version) Illumina has switched from using Solexa/Illumina qualities to Phred qualities. And as of Illumina1.8+, the base qualities are the same as Sanger now which is Phred+33.
I was told my qseq files were generated through the Illumina1.8+, but the base qualities are ASCII as 64+score which to me makes no sense. Since Illumina should be Phred+33 and not Phred+64. Additional, it is ambiguous because it doesn't say whether they are phred or Solexa/Illumina base qualities since both are encoded in ASCII.
Can anyone shed a light on the discrepancy?