Hi all,
Version 2 of BEDTools has been released. These tools allow one to answer common questions of genomic features in BED format. Version 2 has two major improvements:
1. Enforcing "strandedness". The previous version of BEDTools reported overlaps between BED features regardless of the strand of two features. Now, with the "-s" option, all relevant utilities (e.g. intersectBed, mergeBed, windowBed, closestBed, etc.) will enforce that overlaps are reported ONLY if they are on the same strand. By default, stand is ignored.
2. Intersecting paired-end reads/SV calls to regular BED files. There is now a program called peIntersectBed that compares features (e.g. paired-end reads, SV calls, etc.) to a regular BED file (e.g. RefSeq genes). In order to do such comparisons, I have defined a new BEDPE format that is very similar to traditional BED formats. The new utility allows one to ask for:
1. All cases where _either_ end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
2. All cases where _both_ ends of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
3. All cases where _neither_ end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
4. All cases where _one and only one_ (i.e. xor) end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
5. All cases where the "inner span" of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
6. All cases where the "outer span" of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
peIntersectBed is really useful for screening paired-end sequencing reads against genomic annotations.
The source code for BEDTools Version 2.0 is posted on sourceforge at:
Examples and high-level descriptions can be found here:
The USAGE_EXAMPLES document in the BEDTools package contains more detailed examples of common usage. If you have used Galaxy, many of the concepts should be familiar.
All the best,
Version 2 of BEDTools has been released. These tools allow one to answer common questions of genomic features in BED format. Version 2 has two major improvements:
1. Enforcing "strandedness". The previous version of BEDTools reported overlaps between BED features regardless of the strand of two features. Now, with the "-s" option, all relevant utilities (e.g. intersectBed, mergeBed, windowBed, closestBed, etc.) will enforce that overlaps are reported ONLY if they are on the same strand. By default, stand is ignored.
2. Intersecting paired-end reads/SV calls to regular BED files. There is now a program called peIntersectBed that compares features (e.g. paired-end reads, SV calls, etc.) to a regular BED file (e.g. RefSeq genes). In order to do such comparisons, I have defined a new BEDPE format that is very similar to traditional BED formats. The new utility allows one to ask for:
1. All cases where _either_ end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
2. All cases where _both_ ends of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
3. All cases where _neither_ end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
4. All cases where _one and only one_ (i.e. xor) end of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
5. All cases where the "inner span" of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
6. All cases where the "outer span" of a BEDPE entry overlaps a BED file.
peIntersectBed is really useful for screening paired-end sequencing reads against genomic annotations.
The source code for BEDTools Version 2.0 is posted on sourceforge at:
Examples and high-level descriptions can be found here:
The USAGE_EXAMPLES document in the BEDTools package contains more detailed examples of common usage. If you have used Galaxy, many of the concepts should be familiar.
All the best,