Hi all,
I use samtools (depth) and bedtools (coverageBed -d) to calculate coverage for a given bedfile, the results are different
In the following dataset, the first three columns are generated by samtools, the rest are generated by bedtools. At most of the positions (>65%), cov1=cov2, at some positions the differences are huge. For example, at chr1:237433808, cov1 =522 (samtools), while cov2 = 649 (bedtools).
Ant explanation?
chrs posi cov1 start ends count cov2
chr1 237433798 647 237433797 237433916 1 649
chr1 237433799 647 237433797 237433916 2 649
chr1 237433800 647 237433797 237433916 3 648
chr1 237433808 522 237433797 237433916 11 649
chr1 237433826 653 237433797 237433916 29 654
chr1 237433828 653 237433797 237433916 31 654
chr1 237433829 654 237433797 237433916 32 655
chr1 237433830 654 237433797 237433916 33 655
chr1 237433831 654 237433797 237433916 34 655
chr1 237433833 654 237433797 237433916 36 655
I use samtools (depth) and bedtools (coverageBed -d) to calculate coverage for a given bedfile, the results are different
In the following dataset, the first three columns are generated by samtools, the rest are generated by bedtools. At most of the positions (>65%), cov1=cov2, at some positions the differences are huge. For example, at chr1:237433808, cov1 =522 (samtools), while cov2 = 649 (bedtools).
Ant explanation?
chrs posi cov1 start ends count cov2
chr1 237433798 647 237433797 237433916 1 649
chr1 237433799 647 237433797 237433916 2 649
chr1 237433800 647 237433797 237433916 3 648
chr1 237433808 522 237433797 237433916 11 649
chr1 237433826 653 237433797 237433916 29 654
chr1 237433828 653 237433797 237433916 31 654
chr1 237433829 654 237433797 237433916 32 655
chr1 237433830 654 237433797 237433916 33 655
chr1 237433831 654 237433797 237433916 34 655
chr1 237433833 654 237433797 237433916 36 655