Hi folks,
I try to run stampy from a bash script. My problem is more a Unix/bash issue, but some of you may have a working script already, so I hope you can help me.
My script:
bwa_opt=$q10" "$bwa_ref
command=$stampy' -g '$ref_genome' -h '$ref_genome' -o '$out' --bwa='$bwa' --bwaoptions="'$bwa_opt'" -M '$seq1' '$seq2
echo $command
./stampy-1.0.17/stampy.py -g hg19 -h hg19 -o out.sam --bwa=./bwa-0.5.7/bwa --bwaoptions="-q10 ~/reference_genome/hg19.fa" -M sequ1.fastq sequ2.fastq
Nothing to do, with unused arguments on command line
First unused argument: '~/reference_genome/hg19.fa"'
The $command looks correct to me from the echo output, but it does not work in the script. When I copy the echo output and paste it to the command line, it does work. "Bash" makes a difference between echo $command and running $command. I could not figure out what is different. Maybe it is something about the quotes of --bwaoptions.
I try to run stampy from a bash script. My problem is more a Unix/bash issue, but some of you may have a working script already, so I hope you can help me.
My script:
bwa_opt=$q10" "$bwa_ref
command=$stampy' -g '$ref_genome' -h '$ref_genome' -o '$out' --bwa='$bwa' --bwaoptions="'$bwa_opt'" -M '$seq1' '$seq2
echo $command
./stampy-1.0.17/stampy.py -g hg19 -h hg19 -o out.sam --bwa=./bwa-0.5.7/bwa --bwaoptions="-q10 ~/reference_genome/hg19.fa" -M sequ1.fastq sequ2.fastq
Nothing to do, with unused arguments on command line
First unused argument: '~/reference_genome/hg19.fa"'
The $command looks correct to me from the echo output, but it does not work in the script. When I copy the echo output and paste it to the command line, it does work. "Bash" makes a difference between echo $command and running $command. I could not figure out what is different. Maybe it is something about the quotes of --bwaoptions.