What's the general steps to align a set of reads to ref?
Is the flowing right?
1.build index -> bwa index -c -a is ecoli.fa
2.convert csfasta and correspond qual file into fastq
3.Find the SA coordinates of the input reads -> bwa aln -n 3 -t 4 -M 3 -c ecoli.fa t_ecoli.fastq >map.sai
4.Generate alignments in the SAM format given single-end reads -> bwa samse -n 1 ecoli.fa map.sai t_ecoli.fastq >map.sam
Do as the above, I get a sam file with no reads mapped. All the 25000 items have flag 4.
What's more, I have 50000 reads in the input fastq file, why does it only process 25000?
If I delete one read form the fastq file, BWA will process 24999 reads. Why?
And what is the bwasw for?
Thank you !
Is the flowing right?
1.build index -> bwa index -c -a is ecoli.fa
2.convert csfasta and correspond qual file into fastq
3.Find the SA coordinates of the input reads -> bwa aln -n 3 -t 4 -M 3 -c ecoli.fa t_ecoli.fastq >map.sai
4.Generate alignments in the SAM format given single-end reads -> bwa samse -n 1 ecoli.fa map.sai t_ecoli.fastq >map.sam
Do as the above, I get a sam file with no reads mapped. All the 25000 items have flag 4.
What's more, I have 50000 reads in the input fastq file, why does it only process 25000?
If I delete one read form the fastq file, BWA will process 24999 reads. Why?
And what is the bwasw for?
Thank you !