Hi all,
I want to use some archival sequence data. I am learning how to use .sra files by following the SRAdb documentation, but I have some problems with downloading .lite.sra files from NCBI ftp site using the fasp protocol as described on page 9 in the SRAdb document. I used the following code in Macintosh Lion.
ascpCMD<-"'/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/ascp' -QT -l 300m -i '/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty'"
sraFiles<-ascpSRA(in_acc = c("SRX000122"),sra_con, ascpCMD, fileType = 'litesra', destDir=getwd())
sraFiles <- ascpSRA( in_acc = c("SRX000122"),sra_con, ascpCMD, fileType = 'litesra', destDir=getwd())
I got the following errors:
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Does anybody know what happens? Thank you in advance!
I want to use some archival sequence data. I am learning how to use .sra files by following the SRAdb documentation, but I have some problems with downloading .lite.sra files from NCBI ftp site using the fasp protocol as described on page 9 in the SRAdb document. I used the following code in Macintosh Lion.
ascpCMD<-"'/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/ascp' -QT -l 300m -i '/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty'"
sraFiles<-ascpSRA(in_acc = c("SRX000122"),sra_con, ascpCMD, fileType = 'litesra', destDir=getwd())
sraFiles <- ascpSRA( in_acc = c("SRX000122"),sra_con, ascpCMD, fileType = 'litesra', destDir=getwd())
I got the following errors:
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Session Stop (Error: Server aborted session: No such file or directory)
Does anybody know what happens? Thank you in advance!