I have used Tophat/Cufflink to map and assembly my RNA-seq pair-end data(the insert size is 200bp while each read has 90bp length) with a reference genome. Now I am thinking how to de novo assembly the unmapped reads so that i can find some noval transcripts out of the reference genome. My tophat version is 2.0.8, so i got a output file named unmapped.bam. I am running bam2fastx with -o and -P options but running into errors. It generates a fastq without -P option, but i am not sure whether i can use this single fastq file to do a de novo assembly. Could anyone help me?
I have used Tophat/Cufflink to map and assembly my RNA-seq pair-end data(the insert size is 200bp while each read has 90bp length) with a reference genome. Now I am thinking how to de novo assembly the unmapped reads so that i can find some noval transcripts out of the reference genome. My tophat version is 2.0.8, so i got a output file named unmapped.bam. I am running bam2fastx with -o and -P options but running into errors. It generates a fastq without -P option, but i am not sure whether i can use this single fastq file to do a de novo assembly. Could anyone help me?