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  • ashuchawla
    Thank you so much for your help.

    This is what it tells me when I try pooled-CR

    glm_cds = estimateDispersions(glm_cds, method="pooled-CR", sharingMode="fit-only" , modelFormula=count~time+time:treatment)
    Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
    No residual degrees of freedom. Most likely the design is lacking sufficient replication.

    Originally posted by dpryan View Post
    Ah, right, you might try pooled-CR.

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  • dpryan
    Ah, right, you might try pooled-CR.

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  • ashuchawla
    > glm_cds = estimateDispersions(glm_cds)
    Error in .local(object, ...) :
    None of your conditions is replicated. Use method='blind' to estimate across conditions, or 'pooled-CR', if you have crossed factors.

    Originally posted by dpryan View Post
    Well, you sort of have replicates, just not full replicates. You might try the default dispersion method and see how well that fits. For fit0, try "fit- <- fitNbinomGLMs(glm_cds, count~time+time:treatment)". Otherwise, you getting output for things that can vary by both treatment and a time:treatment interaction, which you indicated not wanting.

    BTW, an adjusted p-value of 1 is normal and to be expected. That all of them are 1 is too bad, though doing as I suggested above my change that. You can also try doing some independent filtering (see the genefilter package and the accompanying paper in PNAS), which might improve things further.

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  • dpryan
    # I dont have replicates
    glm_cds = estimateDispersions(glm_cds, method="blind", sharingMode="fit-only" )

    fit1 = fitNbinomGLMs( glm_cds, count ~ time*treatment)
    fit0 = fitNbinomGLMs( glm_cds, count ~ time)
    Well, you sort of have replicates, just not full replicates. You might try the default dispersion method and see how well that fits. For fit0, try "fit- <- fitNbinomGLMs(glm_cds, count~time+time:treatment)". Otherwise, you getting output for things that can vary by both treatment and a time:treatment interaction, which you indicated not wanting.

    BTW, an adjusted p-value of 1 is normal and to be expected. That all of them are 1 is too bad, though doing as I suggested above my change that. You can also try doing some independent filtering (see the genefilter package and the accompanying paper in PNAS), which might improve things further.

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  • ashuchawla
    The pdf( from bioconductor does this ->
    > fit1 = fitNbinomGLMs( cdsFull, count ~ libType + condition )
    > fit0 = fitNbinomGLMs( cdsFull, count ~ libType )
    > pvalsGLM = nbinomGLMTest( fit1, fit0 )
    > padjGLM = p.adjust( pvalsGLM, method="BH" )

    I dont understand what are they trying to do here. Below is what I tried with my data


    samples libType time treatment

    Samp_1 single-end d0 Untreated
    Samp_2 single-end d3 treatment1
    Samp_3 single-end d6 treatment1
    Samp_4 single-end d9 treatment1
    Samp_5 single-end d3 treatment2
    Samp_6 single-end d6 treatment2
    Samp_7 single-end d9 treatment2
    Samp_8 single-end d3 treatment3
    Samp_9 single-end d6 treatment3
    Samp_10 single-end d9 treatment3

    glm_cds = newCountDataSet(combined_file , glm_design)

    glm_cds = estimateSizeFactors(glm_cds)

    # I dont have replicates
    glm_cds = estimateDispersions(glm_cds, method="blind", sharingMode="fit-only" )

    fit1 = fitNbinomGLMs( glm_cds, count ~ time*treatment)

    fit0 = fitNbinomGLMs( glm_cds, count ~ time)

    pvalsGLM = nbinomGLMTest( fit1, fit0 )

    padjGLM = p.adjust( pvalsGLM, method="BH" )


    [1] 1 NA

    padj values do not seem right??

    Originally posted by dpryan View Post
    I expect there's an example of this in one of the vignettes/user guides for a couple of the packages I listed. In general, you just want to fit your data with a GLM of the form "counts ~ time*treatment", assuming that there can be a meaningful time:treatment interaction in your experiment (otherwise, just exchange a plus sign for the asterisk).
    Last edited by ashuchawla; 07-23-2013, 10:13 AM.

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  • dpryan
    I expect there's an example of this in one of the vignettes/user guides for a couple of the packages I listed. In general, you just want to fit your data with a GLM of the form "counts ~ time*treatment", assuming that there can be a meaningful time:treatment interaction in your experiment (otherwise, just exchange a plus sign for the asterisk).

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  • ashuchawla
    Great, than you so much.

    Could you or anybody explain this to me with an example? I am new to this and its tough to understand what functions/methods to use.

    Originally posted by dpryan View Post
    DESeq(2), edgeR, limma/voom, etc. Anything that can handle GLMs will work.

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  • dpryan
    DESeq(2), edgeR, limma/voom, etc. Anything that can handle GLMs will work.

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  • Comparative Time Series Analysis of RNA-Seq data?

    I need help with comparative time-series analysis of RNA-Seq Data. I have an untreated sample, then 3 treatments at day 3, the same 3 treatments at day 6 and then at day 9. I have tag-counts(generated from HT-Seq counts) for all of these samples across time. Could you please suggest some tools to get Differentially expressed genes. I do not wish to perform pair-wise comparisons.

    Thank you so much


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