On the UCSC data base download, there used to be a "snp137NonFlagged" file , which has the SNPs after removing those flagged SNPs (SNPs < 1% minor allele frequency (MAF) (or unknown), mapping only once to reference assembly, flagged in dbSnp as "clinically associated") that is no longer there under the link http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/golde...hg19/database/. Annovar references this file.
I can see that there is "snp137Flagged" file but do not know how that is different?
Where can I find "snp137NonFlagged" file?
I am looking for a clinical annotation database for use with Annovar. Any recommendations? Thanks.
I can see that there is "snp137Flagged" file but do not know how that is different?
Where can I find "snp137NonFlagged" file?
I am looking for a clinical annotation database for use with Annovar. Any recommendations? Thanks.