When I load accepted_hits.bam from Tophat and Junctions.bed into IGV to visualize splicing events for two samples, due to memory IGV responds slow.
I wanted to make a smaller BAM file from larger BAM file by supplying only those regions I see splicing differences (output from Cuffdiff).
Given a GTF or BED file and large size accepted_hits.bam BAM file, can I make smaller size BAM file.
For a given position, I know how to do;
samtools view bam chr1:11111-22222...
I don't know how I can supply BED or GTF to samools..
When I load accepted_hits.bam from Tophat and Junctions.bed into IGV to visualize splicing events for two samples, due to memory IGV responds slow.
I wanted to make a smaller BAM file from larger BAM file by supplying only those regions I see splicing differences (output from Cuffdiff).
Given a GTF or BED file and large size accepted_hits.bam BAM file, can I make smaller size BAM file.
For a given position, I know how to do;
samtools view bam chr1:11111-22222...
I don't know how I can supply BED or GTF to samools..